Chris Morris


Council Member , Supplier Advisory Committee

Phone: 864.787.3170


Chris Morris has more than twenty-nine years of rep experience in the STAFDA channel. After attending Charleston Southern University, he began his career at Suitt Construction Co. working on construction jobsites. Upon completing the Superintendent in Training Program, he made the move to join the family business, Morris Marketing Group. Being the son of the owner brought no entitlement. He learned the business from the ground up. Starting in the warehouse, then customer service to sales, and eventually becoming Sales Manager and VP of Sales. Chris’ hard work and tenacity are not only evident in his professional life, but also his personal. He served in the Army National Guard for six years, ran marathons, and completed an Iron Man Triathlon. His volunteer work includes “Meals on Wheels”, and he spent many nights manning the Greenville Suicide Hotline. Chris and his wife Amanda have two grown children Danielle, and Dylan. Currently, and for the past twelve years, they served as kinship caregivers to their niece, Cassidy League. Today Chris enjoys walking his dogs and learning to play the guitar.

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