Jonathan Miller


Chairman , Board of Directors

Phone: 229.242.3910 x248


Jonathan Miller represents the fourth generation of the Miller Hardware Company located in Valdosta, Georgia, serving the people and communities of South Georgia and North Florida since 1908. Miller Hardware Company has evolved into one of the largest independent hardware companies in Georgia. Jonathan’s current responsibilities overlap into each of the Company’s three distinct divisions: Whitehead Industrial Hardware, Miller Hardware and Seasons Garden & Home.

Jonathan attended Auburn University where he graduated with a BSBM concentrated in Finance & Business Administration. Upon graduation, Jonathan relocated to Atlanta.

During his time in Atlanta, Jonathan achieved his MBA from Mercer University in May 2011. It was through this experience that he realized his love for family and hardware far outweighed any other career opportunity.

Starting back full-time in 2011, Jonathan quickly began initiating progressive change. Two notable initiatives include creation of an omni-channel operation and a definite Company culture.

He and his wife Maggie are avid travelers, squeezing in as much as possible before they expect their first child this fall. Outside of work Jonathan enjoys CrossFit and long distance running to re-charge.

Jonathan works alongside his father Dutton and brother Richard, as they continue the pursuit of relevance and longevity for Whitehead Industrial Hardware.

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